2024 Planned Breedings

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2024 Planned Breedings


WE are very excited to show our planned breedings on the selection of stallions to be bred to mares. Each one was taken into serious consideration on quality, breeding, type, conformation, and trainablility. MOst of our mares are trained to ride, and stallions are as well. WE try to choose stallions with a training riding history to compliment the mare, and to help insure confidence in the resulting foals potential ablility to be trainable.WE do have a few older mares who were never trained by the time we got them but have had a series of foals, who were trained with us or sold and trained by others. So we do have a history of their produce and end results. So we feel we can speak confidently about them and the future of them just from historical farm records of the last 20 years. Sadly we have not shown in the last 20 years,  but select mares of the best quality, with pedigrees filled with notable horses that have earned awards, money, in many events mostly related to western riding, ranch, cattle events, that have historical records that anyone can verify or research further since it is public knowledge. WE like to breed reiners and cutting lines and cross them for all around versatility in many cases, rather than strict cutters and reiners and average height is 14 to 15 hands with a few rare taller ones. WE find that the end results is a fairly calm and willing individual who has some get up and go on demand , plus very agile but is not too high to do slower work and can be versatile in different events not just one. These are thinking horses and like variety of training and events, being brave and willing to please in most cases if given a chance. So I hope you enjoy what you see, and find a foal of your dreams. I think you will, since we have such a great selection of mares and stallions to choose from. WE are only having 7 foals in 2025, we were trying for 10. However with the current economy, it is probably for the best..so we may not have a lot but we will have a great selection to choose from. pics below of few past foals. Thank you for looking! 

Glitter PhotosGlitter Photos                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Glitter PhotosGlitter Photos                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    First foals due top. The  latter are due the further down you go. Easy to follow as we approach foaling season on April 1st 2025. With that being said, the due date is aveage 340 days so we start watching them 30 days or so in advance with dry lot closer to the house as well. We are pretty excited and now we have the beginning of the waiting!!!! 

River and Sangria- Due 03/30

Jesse and Chablis - due 03/31

Shine and Candy- due 05/01

Shine and Lacey- due 05/02

Rosette and Rich- due 5/14

Shooter and Mizztified due. 06/23

CSS Blazn Smokn Guns X Listen to Dreams due 06/23

Blazn Smokn Gun bred to listen to dreams due 06/25

Glitter PhotosGlitter Photos
  CSS Blazn Smokn Guns

Pedigree link