Chambers Springs Stables Farm

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Chris on Belle and I am on Misty

Welcome to our farm and thank you for visiting. My name is Shelly and husband is Chris and we would like to show you around. Please come in and browse around. If you see something you  like please contact us so that we may assist you.

We are a small family operated farm where my husband and I are the operators, owners, caretakers and managers. We prefer this as we are particular about how the horses are handled and cared for. We strive to produce athletic, correct, well bred individuals who are trainable, friendly, and also come with color class and style. AT this time training is limited to outside horses. We do start individuals yearly working with riders/trainers as well. WE have due to our age, had to relegate riding training to outside sources, that we have approved of.
All of our horses, paint and qhs are registered in AQHA or APHA.  They are 5 panel neg. and IMM neg tested, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED  or neg. by parentage tested. 
Current Stallion
     Double registered AQHA/APHA: Colonels Smoking Gun, Grays Starlight, Mr Gun Smoke, Nu Chex to Cash, Nu Cash,  Zans Gold Jack, Three bars. SPLASH 2.  Expecting some very nice foals by Shooter in 2024.  He is started riding he did very well, so proud of his easy of training and gentle personality. On Lease, but we have a new perlino paint stallion Whiskykahlua n Cream, aka Whiskey. He comes from the world reknowned program of performance paints, Voloshin Paints in Colorado!! so exciting!!
Mare band
WE are proud of our mare band, who's pedigrees contain Shining Spark,  QT Poco Streke,  Smart LIttle Lena, Zan Parr Bar, Mr Dual Pep, Peppy San Badger, High brow Hickory, High brow cat, Three Bars, Nu Chex to Cash, Nu Cash, COLONELS SMOKING GUN, GRAYS STARLIGHT,  CD olena,  Rawhide silvr Bullet, Dun It OK,  Palo duro Cat, Smart Chic O Lena,  Tuff n Busy, Snipers Smoking Gun, Peptoboonsmal, Todays my lucky day

OUR HORSE prices ARE VERY REASONABLE FOR THE comparable MARKET, VALUE, PEDIGREE, COLOR AND TRAINING. For buyers looking for a solid investment, and a great return on personal satisfaction and value, than look no further. Our horses come running when they see us in the field, but also show us respect due to consistent and firm but fair handling. Horses like this are easy to train and show and are a pure pleasure to own.  IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR VALUE, REASONABLE AND AFFORDABLE PRICES, UNIQUE COLORS AND SOUGHT AFTER BLOODLINES, WE CAN PROVIDE THIS TO YOU WITH FRIENDLY AND HONEST dealings. Payment plan if needed, but board would apply.  We don't care for horse trading or offensive offers. We will gladly consider any reasonable offer. No horse will be held without a deposit. 



click on the link below for arial view of our farm.

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pictured below,candid foal picture. I hope you enjoy it.

Current events


Our farm development is moving right along, construction of water and electricity to all our barns is done and automatic water tanks in the pastures. WE have paddocks, stalls and all fences done, round pen and training arena, 2 stallion pens with stalls intact and have shelter for all our horses, as needed from inclement weather...WE put  broadcast lights to our pastures and pens now, very nice for  dim nite lites and security. Foaling stalls are complete with wired cameras for monitoring at foaling time. . 

WE  did build in 2012  a wash rack/ palpation chute and a larger steel pipe welded arena 100 ft. by 200 ft,. And we have lights also on it!!! Life is good!

 See our slide show below.




Farm Breeding Plan

We take great pride in the caliber of our horses and what we are producing. We hope to provide affordable horses for all competition levels local to national many events and most any level novice to experienced rider to excel with in a chosen event. Where pedigree, temperment, conformation and quality come first, with color as the final addition, not as a priority but iceing on the cake. - Religious Glitter Graphics

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